Thursday, 30 January 2020

Brexit Brewday - 31/01/2020

Friday January 31st 2020. The day that the UK leaves the European Union. Am I brewing because of this historic event? TBH I couldn't give too hoots. It just so happens I have a day off and I'm going to brew beer.

It's not a special recipe to mark the day, just a pale ale. Probably the beer I've brewed most, so you could possibly regard this as my 'house ale', although that may suggest it's always on tap and sadly I don't brew regularly enough for that to be the case these days.

It's always turned out well in the past and hopefully this batch will be no different.

The grist for this one (23l) is;

4450g Golden Promise
68g Pale Crystal
68g Wheat Malt
10g Chocolate Malt

Mash for 90 mins @ 68c for a target SG of 1.044

Hops during a 90 minute boil;

Savinjski Goldings 40g @ 75 mins
Aurora 15g @ 75 mins
Progress 11g @ 75 mins
Citra 11g @ 15mins
Citra 11g  steeped at 50c while chillling

Yeast will be Safale US-05

The coloured malts are simply to add a small depth of colour, the wheat is for head retention and the use of Golden Promise rather than Maris Otter is to let the late hops shine.

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