Friday, 28 February 2020

Thoughts for the next brew...

My last brew has been bottled and kegged so while I wait for that condition, it's time to muse over what to brew next.

I've got in mind a small beer I'd like to do at some stage, but as the last brew wouldn't be too dissimilar, I'll put that one on the back-burner for now and go with something a bit more robust.

I might go with a homage to Brakspear Triple. It's been discontinued but used to be a nice drop. In the book '300 beers to try before you die' by Roger Protz, Roger describes it thus; 'Triple is one of the best new beers to appear in Britain in many years - it's a glass of the Old Stunning, as Charles Dickens was want to say.'

The recipe did change over the years, with the label on the last few bottles that I acquired stating the hops were Northdown and Cascade. My preference was for the earlier version which was hopped solely with Target.

Descriptions of the two different versions can be found here;

With a starting gravity of around 1.065 it will push my 20l Braumeister to the limit but I'll see what I can come up with. Time to get to work putting a recipe together...

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